Consult records for a form or survey
Consult records for a form or survey
Once the available forms are synced, you can consult them by simply clicking on the record to see the details.
At the top of the record list, there are 3 kinds of records: DRAFT, SUBMITTED, and SYNCED.
DRAFT: The records are not finalized or are in process. Users can access them on the mobile app, but not on the web app.
SUBMITTED: The records are finalized and ready to be synced to the web app. Users can access them on the mobile app, but not on the web app.
SYNCED: The records are finalized and synced to the web app. Users can access them on both the mobile app and the web app.
An example of a record that was submitted on the mobile app:
Here is the equivalent of the record on the web app
As it can be seen in the field 'Created by', there is a mobile icon showing this record was created using the Mobile App.
Note: Once the record has been synced with the web app you will no longer be able to modify i through the Mobile .