Quantitative indicators

You can create a quantitative indicator from the logframe module. You must first decide whether you wish to add a root indicator or an indicator at a specific level (goal, outcome or output).

Click on the + indicator button if it's a root-level indicator, or on the + sign next to the level at which you wish to enter your indicator.

Enter the description (title) of your indicator. The default setting is quantitative.

You can enter a reference value for your indicator; by default, the system will take the start date of your project. If necessary, you can change this by clicking on the reference date field.

Entering a reference value is important as it will enable Logalto to calculate progress in the Data entry section.

You can add targets by clicking on the Add a target button. You can add one or more targets. In the example below, each year has a different target; targets are added cumulatively.

This means that the target for year 1 = 100. The goal for year 2 = 200, etc. The system will calculate the variation between years as shown in the example below.

If you wish to enter disaggregated target values refer to:  Enter disaggregated target values