v21 - July 2019
Import indicator values with excel
It is now possible to import values for your indicators using excel. This allows you to update several indicators at the same time for any specific period.
In order to use this feature you must first go to the "Data entry" section of the logframe, click on the Import button and select the Generate data entry template option
The system will generate an excel document where you will be able to enter the values for your indicators. There will be one sheet in the excel spreadsheet for each frequency, as there is one tab for each frequency in the system.
You need to enter the values in the corresponding period. For the time being, values can only be entered in the Progress column. Below is an example of a disaggregated indicator Number of animals rescued disaggregated by species.
You must enter the values into the yellow boxes, the system will calculate the white boxes automatically (the totals and cumulative values) Values in the white boxes
Right click open image in new tab to view larger
Import limitations:
For the time being, qualitative indicators can't be imported through excel.
For indicators with disaggregations that are combined, there is a maximum of two combined disaggregations for the excel import.