v22 - November 2019

LogAlto News

Below you will find the new features available as of November 2019.

Assign a user to an activity 

It is possible to assign a user to an activity, the user will be able to search all activities assigned to them in that project or create an analytics to view all activities assigned to them across projects. 

Whenever you're creating a system or project list, it is no longer needed to add the translations in all the languages that your LogAlto is available in. You can now simply enter the first language and LogAlto will take that option as default.

Logframe module

The following improvements were added to the logframe module:

Flexible logframe wording (optional feature) 

In LogAlto you can now choose whether you want to have each project be able to choose its logframe wording. 

When the user wishes to create a new logframe, they will see an option to "Customize logframe wording" They will then have up to 5 levels for which they'll be able to enter the name they wish to give each level. 

For example, users may want to enter the following structure: 

They can also preselect from the list if their option already exists. The structure will then allow them to enter the different levels in the system. Each level allows for indicators and activities. 

Calculate all values linked to forms

You can view which indicators are linked to a form thanks to the calculator icon that appears next to the title of the indicator.

When you're in the Data Entry tab (In the logframe module) there's a button that allows you to mass calculate all the values in the indicators that are linked to forms. When you click on Calculate values you will be able to determine whether you want to calculate all data or within a specific time period. 

Custom forms module

The following improvements were added to the custom forms module:

Share forms with URL

It is possible to share forms without needing to give access to LogAlto. This is useful if you wish to for example send the form via email or text message. 

You can create a URL for a form by clicking on the Share option, and then the Create the link button. You can then share the link with those who need to fill out the form. The records they create will be automatically saved in LogAlto. 

Allow deleting multiple records

It is now possible to delete up to 25 records at the same time through the custom forms module. 

You can also filter results on specific criteria using the search tool and delete the records in your search. 

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