v23.8 - August 2020

LogAlto New and improved features - August 2020

The following new features have been released as part of our V.23.8: 

  1. Possibility to enter indicators calculated with a Numerator/Denominator value
  2. Possibility for Administrator's to manage activity fields' directly through LogAlto
  3. Allowing download of system and project's lists

1. Possibility to enter indicators calculated with a Numerator/Denominator value

The latest version of LogAlto allows for the possibility to have indicators whose values are calculated by establishing a Numerator & Denominator. 

This will allow you to calculate the percentage value for your indicator. 


Let's say I'm conducting a training and I wish to have at least 80% of women trained (over my entire training group)
Indicator: % of women trained 

Indicator Type: Numerator/Denominator 

In the Data Entry, when entering values for the indicator, I would have the possibility of entering the  Numerator (in my example: the number of female participants in my training) and the Denominator (the total number of participants)

In the data entry, the number that will appear will be the calculated total %. (75% in the example)

Phase 2 of this feature is under development and it will include the possibility to disaggregate the indicator 

2. Possibility for Administrator's to manage activity fields' 

It is now possible to manage the fields in the Activity creation panel through the Settings menu. 

This will allow administrators to add/edit/remove fields in the activity creation panel. 

For details on how to use this section check out the Manage Activities fields article

3. Allowing download of system and project's lists

You can now download the content of your system and project's lists. To achieve this, access the list that you wish to download, and you will see an icon with an arrow next to it. Click on the icon and an excel file with your list will be generated by LogAlto. 

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