v24 - October 2020

LogAlto New and improved features - October 2020

The following new features have been released as part of our V.24: 

  1. Possibility to choose whether to enter progress or cumulative values
  2. Allowing to filter locations in a form
  3. Allowing to copy sections within a form
  4. Analytics improvements
  5. Comments feature

1. Possibility to choose whether to enter progress or cumulative values 

The latest version of LogAlto allows for the possibility to choose whether you wish to enter the progress or the cumulative values for an indicator. 

This means that you can select which one you'd like to enter when creating the indicator, and then the other will be blocked in the data entry section.

You are able to select this option for both the data entry screen and the Excel data entry import  

  1. Allowing to filter locations in a form

    If you have a form for which you will be collecting data in one (or some) specific regions, you can now pre-filter the locations that are available in your form. This has the advantage of reducing the number of options available to the end user and ensuring that only the necessary specific locations are selected. You can add the filter by adding a Location field and clicking on the pencil icon. Then click on the + sign and select the locations which should be available. You can select the Continent/Country or Regional level.

3. Allowing to copy sections within a form

Should you need to duplicate a section in a form, you can select the "copy" icon. This will make a duplicate of that specific section's fields. Please note that the display field will not be copied. 

4. Analytics improvements

It is now possible to display items as a % of the total value. 

5. Comments feature

It is now possible to exchange comments between LogAlto users! You will see the comment's feature appear in Activities, in Indicators and in records within a form. 

You can mention your colleagues and tag them in a comment by clicking @(their name.)

They will receive a notification letting them know when and where they have been mentioned.  (For the time being, this feature is available for activities, indicators and records within forms)

You can edit your own comment and also delete it if needed.  

If the user has enabled email notifications, then they will also receive an email letting them know where they were mentioned, when and by whom.  

Users will be able to click the Show button to easily access the item where they were mentioned and reply if needed. 

Whenever you have unread comments, you will also see a notification in the item containing the comment.

Excerpt from the webinar.

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