How to use filters

How to use filters

LogAlto allows you to search and filter many items in the system (logframes, projects, activities, files, forms, records, etc.).

This is done using filters.

  1. Filter on text fields
  2. Filter on number fields
  3. Filter on list fields
  4. Filter on locations fields
  5. Filter on dates fields
  6. Filters for skip patterns (conditional fields) in forms
  7. How to remove all filters

Filter on text fields

To filter text fields, simply enter text in the filter.

You can enter just a partial word, the complete word or many words. 

When filtering projects, the filter searches in: Code, Name(title) and Description. If either one of those contains the searched text, then the project will appear in the results.


In the project search panel, you could search for "Gen" or "Gender" or "Gender equality" and all 3 searches would display a project called "Gender equality in abc".

Filter on number fields

To filter number fields, you must 1) select the type (greater than, less than, equal, not equal or between) and 2) enter the number(s).

but note that unformatted numbers are filter as text fields.


In the project search panel, you could search for project with budgets between 500 000 and 1 000 000.

You would select "Between" and enter 500 000 and 1 000 000.

Filter on list fields

To filter list fields, you must select one or many options in the list.

All the items matching one(or many) of the selected options will be displayed in the result of the search.


Let's say you have 5 projects in various sectors:

  • Project A: Health
  • Project B: Education
  • Project C: Education+Health
  • Project D: Agriculture
  • Project E: Education+Agriculture

In the project search panel, you could search for projects related to either "Education" OR "Health".

You would select "Education" and "Health" in the filter.

Then, from the 5 projects above, only Project D would be filtered out.

Filter on location fields

To filter location fields, you must select one or many locations in the list.

All the items matching one(or many) of the selected locations will be displayed in the result of the search.


Let's say you have 5 projects in various countries:

  • Project A: Zambia
  • Project B: Malawi
  • Project C: Zambia+Malawi
  • Project D: Kenya
  • Project E: Zambia+Kenya

In the project search panel, you could search for projects related to either "Zambia" OR "Malawi".

You would select "Zambia" and "Malawi" in the filter.

Then, from the 5 projects above, only Project D would be filtered out.

Filter on date fields

To filter date fields, you must 1) select the type (after, before, between, equal, etc.) and 2) enter the date(s).


In the project search panel, you could search for project that started in 2019.

You would select "Between (inclusive)" and enter 2019-01-01 and 2019-12-31

Remove filters

In the search panels, you can generally remove one filter by clicking the trash icon next to it.

In some lists, you will also have the ability to remove all the filters by clicking "Clear filters".

Filter for skip patterns (conditional fields) in forms

To filters for conditional fields are slightly different.

You have the ability to select " Empty" or "Not empty".

You have the ability to select " Contains" or "Equal" when the conditional field is related to a text field.

You have the ability to select " In" or "Equal" when the conditional field is related to a list field.


Your form contains a multi-select list field named "Which aspects of the training did you less appreciate?"

A follow-up question named "Was the training lenght too short or too long?"

This could be conditional to the first field and the condition would be: " Equal: 'Duration of the training' "

This means the follow-up question will only be displayed if the answer to the first field is 'Duration of the training' .

Another follow-up question named "How do you recommand to improve this?"

This could be conditional to the first field and the condition would be: " In: 'Training material', 'Exercises' "

This means the 2nd follow-up question will only be displayed if the answer to the first field is EITHER 'Training material' OR 'Exercises' .