13. Configure project statuses

Configure project statuses

In LogAlto, users can specify the status of a project. For example: Planned (or in design), Ongoing (or Active), Paused (or Cancelled), Completed.

The status list can be modified by the administrator of your LogAlto platform.

This article explains how to:

  1. Access the statuses configuration page
  2. Edit a project status
  3. Add a new project status
  4. Remove a project status

Access the statuses configuration page

1. Click on "Settings" in the configuration wheel in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

2. Click on "Project Statuses"

Edit a project status

  1. Go to the "Project Statuses" page (as explained in section above)
  2. Click on the pen icon next to the status you wish to modify.

3. You can:

  • Modify the name (in all available languages)
  • Change the color assigned to this project's status
  • Specify if that status means that the project is active or ongoing (if it is, check the "Active" box; if it's not, leave it unchecked).

4. Click "Save".

Add a new project status

  1. Go to the "Project Statuses" page (as explained in section above)
  2. Click on the + button 

3. Configure the new status:

  • Enter the name (in all available languages)
  • Select the color assigned to this project's status
  • Specify if that status means that the project is active or ongoing (if it is, check the "Active" box; if it's not, leave it unchecked).

4. Click "Save".

Remove a project status

  1. Go to the "Project Statuses" page (as explained in section above)
  2. Click on the trash can icon next to the status you wish to delete.

3. You will be asked to confirm whether you wish to delete the project status. Click on Yes if you wish to delete.

4. If some projects have been marked as deleted, LogAlto will ask you to choose a replacement status. Select a replacement status and click on "Confirm".

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