Delete a record linked to another form

Delete a record linked to another form

As mentioned in the article on linking forms together, LogAlto allows users to connect a record with another. If that record's data field is mandatory inside the linked form, we must ensure that replacement values are available to remove it.

How to delete a record from a parent form

  1. Make sure that the master form is up to date with the correct values.

  2. Make sure that the child form is linked correctly to the Master.

  3. When the user deletes the requested record, it must be replaced by another value from the same form. As shown below, if the user wants to delete the record C, replacing them with A or B is the only option.

Once the value is chosen, it will be replaced in the form with the new value.

Note: When you delete a record from a parent form, its new value will be replaced in all the places where that value was used previously