Form Import History

Import history of forms

In LogAto, users can import records from locally stored Excel files, as this article explains. New records imported this way are added to the existing records.

It is possible to track and retrieve previously uploaded records to LogAlto by importing them from History

  1. How to access import history
  2. Results status

How to access import history

To access the history of imported records: 

  1. You can go to the form you'd like the records to be imported.
  2. Click on "import." 
  3. Choose "Import History"

A new window will appear with information related to an import.

4. Click on "Download" to download the previously imported records.

Results status

The following are the possible scenarios when checking an import History.

  • Import in progress: The meaning is currently in process and has yet to be terminated. The downloaded document will not be up to date.
  • Success: All records have been imported successfully and are available to download 
  • Error: There was an error while importing the records. Attached to it is a link to download the errors caused. (Note: To view the error, click on the "Error" link and not the "Download")
  • Empty: The import has not yet started and the system does not register records
  • Not recorded: This pertains to the previous successful imports before LogAlto version v24.60