Add a code to form fields

Add a code to form fields

This feature allows changing the form field into a code when exporting a form or survey as a standard table under the Analytics module. The abbreviation can be generated automatically by the system or customized by the user. 

In short, it allows you to code all the survey questions and then export this data to run an analysis based on the coding of the question.

  1. Add a code to form fields
  2. Create a formula with coded field name
  3. Export report with coded field
  4. Limitation

Add a code to form fields

The coding of a form field can be added to a new form or can be changed to existing forms.

New form

  1. Click on Custom Form module from the main menu
  2. Click on "+" next to Custom Forms
  3. Fill out the information to create a new custom form
  4. Drag and drop the required field for the form
  5. Click on the pencil icon to edit the field 
  6. Enter the abbreviation under Code
  7. Click on "Update" to save 
  8. Finalize your form!

Existing form

The code is generated automatically on all existing forms with the new feature released in May 2022. 

  1. Click on Custom Form module from the main menu
  2. Select the existing form 
  3. Click on Fields & sections on the top right 
  4. Click on the pencil icon to edit the field
  5. Modify the existing code
  6. Click on "Update" to save 
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 as needed

Create a formula with coded field name

When creating a formula, the abbreviations entered under a field will be the ones available to be selected as shown in the image below:

Use the new coded field to your formula

For more detailed instructions, you can read the Formulas in form article.

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