Formulas in forms: Calculate score on a Quiz or Exam

Calculate the score on a quiz or exam using the formula feature

You can use the formula feature if you have a Quiz or Exam form with several questions and need to calculate the total score.


Q1 - What is the capital of France? (Options: Paris, Dakar, London)

Q2 - What is the capital of Canada? (Options: Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa)

Q3 - What is the capital of Italy? (Options: Geneva, Venice, Rome)

Q4 - What is the capital of Japan? (Options: Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul)

If the respondent answers:

Q1- Paris, Q2- Toronto, Q3- Rome, Q4- Tokyo, then his total score should be 3 (3 correct answers)

To configure this form, you would create a form containing the following fields:

The formula for the total score would be:

=IF(capital_France="Paris",1,0) + IF(capital_Canada__="Ottawa",1,0) + IF(capital_Italy="Rome",1,0) + IF(capital_Japan="Tokyo",1,0)

If the respondents are answering the quiz (adding a record) directly in the LogAlto interface (the respondents have user access), they can see their scores as they answer the questions. However, if this form is shared by URL, they will only see the questions and the score (formula fields) will be hidden (but still available after in LogAlto).