Adding multiple global indicators to projects

If you would like to enable the possibility of adding multiple indicators from the Global logframe into projects, this can be done by using the Indicator library functionality married to the functionality called Corporate field.

In order to achieve this, you must first do the following:

  1. Enable the indicator library for your account

If you do not see the Indicator library in the configuration wheel, you can enable it through the Advanced settings option. You may need to contact to ask us to enable this for you.

  1. Add a Corporate field to your indicators

Through the Settings page, add an indicator field to identify the unique code for each indicator. You must click on the "Corporate field" box.

  • Click on the gear icon
  • Click on "Settings"
  • Click on "Indicator fields"
  • Drag and drop a new field into the indicator fields page
  • Name the field (In our example, we named it Unique Code)
  • Make sure to check the box "Corporate field"

Corporate fields are only visible in corporate logframes and in the indicator library. Also, when adding an indicator from the library in a project logframe, Logalto will attempt to find a matching indicator based on the value of the corporate field(s) in the corporate logframe(s). If a match is found, the new indicator will automatically be associated to the corresponding corporate indicator.A field can only be corporate if it is also available in the indicator library.

  1. Populate the Corporate field in the Library and the Global logframe

Once you have added the field to your indicators in the Library you will have to populate the field with a unique code for each indicator.

When you are adding the indicators from the library to the Global logframe, the code will carry though. If you then add these indicators into the project then all of the indicators having the same code will aggregate into the Global logframe, allowing you thus to have the same indicator more than once.