Edit (modify) an indicator's actual value

If you wish to modify the actual value of your indicator, you can go to the data entry section of the logframe. To do this, click on "Logframe" in the left-hand menu, then select the project for which you wish to modify the indicator and select data entry.

In the data entry tab, the screen is divided into several tabs, depending on the frequency with which you collect data for your indicator. You can change the value of an indicator by clicking on the cell corresponding to the value you wish to modify.

In LogAlto, there are two columns which allow you to enter data under the "Current Period".

You can either enter information for this period (progress), or enter cumulative data.

Example below: Number of people reached 

Indicator Baseline = 0

Progress done in 2018 = 15.  This means that throughout the year, we achieved 15.

Since our baseline was 0, our overall total is 15, because 0 + 15 = 15.

For 2019, I've reached 40 people. The 15 people I had reached in 2018 are added to those for 2019, so I have an overall cumulative of 55 people (40+15).

As my goal for 2019 was to reach 100 people, I'm only at 55% of my target. This can be seen in the Cumulative overall value, the % below the actual number.

Since my final target is 1000, my indicator rate is 5.5%, since 55 = 5.5% of 1000.

If your values are disaggregated and, for some reason, the total displayed does not correspond to the sum or average of the disaggregated values, you will see the following error:

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