System lists vs project lists

Most of the dropdown lists in LogAlto are  System lists and their content is the same for all projects.


The options in the Sectors dropdown list (Project creation form) is based on the "Sectors" system list. 

If we update this list, all users from all projects will therefore see the updated options when using the Sectors dropdown list in the project creation form.

Lists that are related to (and used by) a specific project are Project lists


The project needs to disaggregate many indicators by protected area (Zone A, B, C). They can create a project list and use it as a disgraggregation.


The project has a survey form where several questions ask the respondant to enter the level of satisfaction from 1 to 5. They can create a project list called "Level of satisfaction" and this list can later on be used to feed multiple "list" fields in their various survey forms. This way, they will not have to enter the 5 options each time they create this type of field.

System lists Project lists
Is used by all projects Is used by one project in particular
Is managed by the administrator(s) Is managed by some user profiles (for specific projects)
The content of these lists generally feeds dropdown lists that can be found in the project creation form, activity form, indicator form OR indicator disaggregations that are the same for all projects (example: gender) The content of these lists generally feeds dropdown lists that can be found in the forms or surveys that are specific to 1 project OR indicator disaggregations specific to 1 project
List of donors (in project creation form)
List of genders (for indic. disaggregation)
List of activity types  (in activity creation form)
List of infrastructure types ( specific to 1 project)
List of protected areas (specific to 1 project)
List for "level of appreciation" ( used in survey forms)

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