Navigating in LogAlto
Overview of LogAlto main menus
To navigate in LogAlto, you must use the three main menus.

User’s menu on the top right
The user menu allows you to do the following:
- Access your user profile.
- Check your notifications
- Access the administrative menu (settings!). Access rights limit this.
- Access Helpscout and the Knowledge Library
- Safely log out of LogAlto.
Left menu
The left menu allows you to navigate to the different modules of LogAlto.
Top menu
The topical menu, or top menu for short, is the menu that will change according to where you are in LogAlto (module, sub-section, etc.) and according to your user rights. When you are inside the Project, we call this the Project Menu. If inside a Custom form, it will be the Custom Forms menu. It will always be located under the user menu.