Document frequency settings

This feature is only available for  LogAlto+ plans

If you are currently using another plan and wish to get access to Premium features, please contact us at

In Logalto , Documents allow users to collect data in a predetermined format and work flow. This can be narrative text, indicator values, activity milestones, and any number of custom forms.

The name of each planning or reporting document varies depending on your LogAlto configuration. For instance, your organization may have Quarterly reports, Performance reports, Annual reports, Project plans, Project proposals, etc.

A user with the proper rights can "launch" a report according to its frequency setting. For example, a quaterly report:

A user with the correct rights (generally the administrator) can assign different frequencies for the documents to each project. To do so, the user clicks on the settings button in the top right menu and selects Frequency settings.

Default frequencies

Under this section, the user can set the default frequencies of each document (Report type) that exists on the platform for each project type.

When a project is created, this project will be attributed the default frequency set here.

The frequency options are:

  • Once
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Biyearly
  • Yearly
  • None

Reporting frequencies per project

Under this section you can set the reporting frequencies to individual projects.