v30 - December 2024

LogAlto changelog - December 2024

Changelog since v29.2

✨New features

👍Feature improvement

  • We have made visual improvements so that it is now easier to change the width in columns throughout the system.
  • We have added the "Progress target" column in the Indicator Values dataset, so you can now see the difference between your previous target and your current one in Analytics and create charts using this value.

🎉Performance improvement

  • Improved performance for Global indicators and global logframes
  • Improved loading times for forms with conditions

💥Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug when duplicating projects

😅In progress

  • Add flag to enable QR code generation in records of form

  • Auto-balance disaggregated values of indicators

Disaggregations refer to the process of breaking down or categorizing an indicator's data into specific subgroups or categories to provide more detailed and nuanced information. This allows monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practitioners to identify trends, disparities, or patterns within specific populations or dimensions, ensuring that no group is overlooked in data analysis.

Why do disaggregated categories have mismatched totals?

When such a situation occurs, it warrants investigation. The mismatch could occur due to partial data collection, overlapping categories (e.g. age groups 10-18 and 15-20), non-exhaustive categories (e.g. 'Urban' and 'Rural' categories not capturing populations in 'peri-urban' areas), or other potential issues. This make data analysis more challenging and can impact credibility when left unexplained.

Balancing values with a click link

LogAlto has recently implemented a change that prohibits users from manually inputting Grand Totals. This means that if the disaggregated sums do not align with the Grand Total, users are now required to make a decision on which total should be matched. This ensures that all totals are accurate and consistent across the board, ultimately leading to more precise and reliable outcomes.

Click on the balancing icon for the disaggregation dimension containing the correct total
LogAlto will add (or substract) values in a new "N/A" category

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