Need help? Just ask!
- Step 1 - 'Help' icon
- First, click the 'Help' icon on the top right menu.
A small window will pop-up with options to browse our Knowledge base or Ask us anything!
- Step 2 - Knowledge base
The knowledge base comprises several articles and video tutorials on many topics related to using LogAlto.
From there you can :
- Reach the knowledge pages (where you are now!)
- Access short articles directly in the pop-up window.
- Get links towards video tutorials
To find the information you need, use the search bar and enter a keyword (such as "indicators" or "data entry"). Options will be made available to you.
- Step 3 : Ask us!
If you can't find an answer to your difficulty, do not despair! You can ask us anything!
You can email us at or ask a question through the chat if we are online. Either way, we'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible to help you.