v24.55 - November 2021

LogAlto New and improved features - November 2021

  1. Threading of comments
  2. Remake of the add a user page
  3. Allow to import only narrative information from global logframe
  4. Troubleshooting for mobile app

1. Threading of comments

Whenever you're mentioned in a comment, you can now start a Thread by clicking on the Reply option.

Make sure you click on Reply before you click on Done to ensure that your reply is saved.

2. Remake of the add a user page

We have changed the page to add a user in order to make it more intuitive and simpler to use. Read all about it here

3. Allow to import only narrative information from global logframe

When adding data from a global logframe into a project logframe, up until now, it was only possible to do it at the indicator level. This would bring the corresponding outcome / output for that indicator. You can now click on the "Add indicator only" box to only include the indicator. 

You can also click on the "Add goal/ outcome/ output) from your global logframe and this will include only the narrative section of the logframe.  

4. Troubleshooting for mobile app

It happens that some of you have issues when you're collecting data offline and then want to synch to the web. It is now possible to generate a Zip file to send to us containing all of the key information for us to be able to troubleshoot.

Watch this video to learn how to export the file! 

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