OVERVIEW: Indicator data entry grid

Overview: indicators data entry grid

  1. Introduction
  2. Columns of the data entry grid
  3. Example
  4. Where to input data?


The Data entry grid allows you to enter actual, progress and target values for your indicators. To access it, go to your Logframe by clicking either on the logframe option in the left-hand menu, or on the logframe tab when you're in your project dashboard. 

Once you're in your logframe, in the top right-hand corner you'll see a tab called "Data entry." Click on it to access the data entry view. 

Once in the data entry tab, you'll see several different sections, depending on the number of indicators in your project has, their frequency and the duration of your project.

Columns of the data entry grid

The data entry grid contains the following information (or data entry fields) :

Column Explanation
INDICATOR Name (title) of the indicator
  • Date: baseline date
  • Value: baseline value
  • Progress: the indicator's progress over the last period.
  • Cumulative: the overall value of the indicator at the end of the last period.
  • Progress: the indicator's progress over the current period.
  • Cumulative: the overall value of the indicator at the end of the current period.
  • Progress target: the expected progress for the current period.
  • Cumulative target: the expected overall value of the indicator at the end of the current period.
  • Notes: comment that can be added.
  • Progress target: expected progress for the next period.
  • Cumulative target: the overall expected value of the indicator at the end of the next period.
  • Cumulative: the current (actual) value of the indicator.
  • Rate: the % of target accomplished. (ie. you have a baseline of 7 and a target of 12: if the actual value is 9, then the rate will be 40%)

Please note that you can hide some of the columns you don't need, and LogAlto will remember this change. (when you return to this interface, the columns you do not want to see will still be hidden). To do this, please refer to the "Hide columns in the data entry grid" article. Alternatively, through Settings, we can determine what you want to see as the default view for the Data Entry Screen (without having to configure each specific project.)

Where to input data?

The most important columns are the CURRENT-Progress and the CURRENT-Overall cumulative columns. That is where you enter the indicators values for the current period.

Depending on how the indicator was configured, there may be 3 scenarios:

  • Most common: you can EITHER enter the progress OR the cumulative value. (ie. at the end of the last quarter, the value was 30 trainings completed. If you have carried out 5 additional trainings, you can either enter 5 in the "progress" column or enter 35 in the "cumulative" column).
  • Or your indicator may have been configured so that you can only enter progress.
  • Or your indicator may have been configured so that you can only enter the cumulative value.
Progress column: enter the values that have been reached during this period (Month, Quarter, Year, etc.)
Overall cumulative: enter the values if you have them since the beginning of the project's life. 
If you have selected a dependent relationship for your indicator and have entered values in progress, then the system will automatically calculate the cumulative values and vice versa. 


So, for example, if you have a project that has just started, you won't see the "Past" section.

In the image below, in the left-hand section, you see the indicator creation panel (in the logframe design section, when you create your indicator).

As you can see, the indicator has a baseline and target values. You can see that these values will appear in the data entry section, as well as in the Baseline and Target sections.

Right-click on the image below and select "Open image in new tab" to enlarge.