Enter an indicator's actual value

Enter values in an indicator

There are various ways of entering the actual values of the indicators.

  1. Directly in the indicator's entry table
  2. Calculate from a form
  3. Calculate from other indicators

1. Directly in the indicator's entry table

To access the data entry tab, go to your Logframe by clicking on the logframe option in the left-hand menu, or on the logframe tab when you're in your project dashboard. 

Once you're in your logframe, in the top right-hand corner you'll see a tab called "Data entry." Click on it to access the data entry view. 

You'll see different tabs that separate your indicators according to their collection frequency.

Non-disaggregated values

If you have an indicator that is not disaggregated, you can simply click on the field corresponding to the value you wish to enter.

You can enter the value in the "Overall cumulative" column if you have the total amount since the start of the project. In the example below, this amount is 60. In Q3 2018, we reached 5 households, in Q4 2018, we reached 55 households, so if we enter the value in the "Overall cumulative" column, we should enter 60 (55+5).

Alternatively, you can enter the progress value (55) and the system will automatically calculate the cumulative value for you.

Disaggregated values 

When you have disaggregated values, click on the field to enter your value, and a side panel will open.

The manner in which the information is presented in the side panel will vary based on factors such as the presence of one or multiple disaggregations, as well as whether they have been combined.

2. Calculate data from forms

To be able to enter data via the forms module, you must first complete the following steps:

  1. Create your form
  2. Link your form to your indicator

  1. Update your indicator values

Once you've linked your form to your indicator, you can update the values by going to the data entry section and clicking on the field you wish to update.

If the values are not disaggregated you'll see a small calculator icon. 

If the values are disaggregated, the side panel will open and you will see the calculator icon in the top right-hand corner. 

When you click on the calculator icon, the system will ask you to identify the data you wish to update. You can update data according to the date on which it was updated (example: get all data entered before 2020-02-02) or according to a form field (example: get all data whose xyz field value is less than 2020-02-02).

The values will then be inserted into the corresponding field. Note that if you make any changes or adjustments to the form, you'll need to redo this last step, clicking on the calculator icon to update the data.

For Qualitative indicators: 

In the field you wish to edit, you'll see a drop-down list with the different options available for your qualitative indicator. You can select the value from the list and the rate will be updated.

Please note that Qualitative indicators cannot be linked to forms.

3. Calculate from other indicators

You can also calculate the values of an indicator from the values of other indicators. For example, if you have an indicator that adds up the values of all the people who have been trained, and you have two indicators for different types of training, you can configure the first indicator to be calculated from the other two.

Create all three indicators. If you want the indicator to take the disaggregated values from the other two, make sure you use the same disaggregations for each indicator.
In the indicator's configuration panel, scroll down and check Link to indicators.
Select whether you want the calculation method to be Sum or Average.
Select the indicators to be used to calculate the indicator eigenvalues. Once you've finished, click on Save.

As if the indicators were calculated from a form, click on the calculate button. A pop-up window will indicate the source of the values: