Project Menu

In the project menu (top right), you will see different options depending on your project, as shown in the image below, you may see the following:

Overview: This is the project dashboard (displays the project's information, favorite activities, files and reports/charts).

Activities: Clicking on this option will open the project's activities list.

Logframe: Clicking on this option will open the project's logframe.

Project plan: Clicking on this option will open the project plan.

If you click on "More", a scrolling list will appear with the following:

Manage project lists: This option displays project lists and allows to create new disaggregations and lists specific to the project.

Document calendar: This option displays project and quarterly report schedules.

Duplicate: This option lets you duplicate the project.

Delete: This option allows to delete the project. 

Right click and select "Open image in new tab" to enlarge the image above.