Numerator/denominator indicators

  1. Description
  2. Disaggregation
  3. Calculations based on numerator/denominator on a disaggregated indicator
  4. Calculating cumulative values over time (dependant)


Numerator/denominator is a type of indicator that allows you to enter ratios as percentages, with the option of entering both numerator and denominator values.The type is selected in the indicator creation or editing panel.

When entering actual values for this type of indicator, the user enter the 2 values (numerator and denominator) and LogAlto calculates the percentage value of the indicator. 


The organization is organizing a training course and wants at least 80% of women participants

Indicator % of women trained 
Indicator Type Numerator/Denominator   
Numerator Number of women participating in my training
Denominator Total number of participants

In Data Entry, when entering the actual values for the indicator, the user must enter the Numerator (in the example: 88 women participants) and the Denominator (110 overall participants)

The system calculated the percentage automatically from the values entered. In this case, we reached our target (80% of participants are women).


A numerator/denominator indicator can be disaggregated.

The system assumes that each disaggregated ratio represents distinct but related populations.


The organization organizes a training course and wishes to track the proportion of women and men trained in a population of beneficiaries.

Indicator % of beneficiaries trained by gender
Indicator Type Numerator/Denominator  
Disaggregation Gender (women/men)
Numerator Number of participants of specified gender
Denominator Total participants of the gender specified in the beneficiary population

Out of a population of 100, 40 are women and 60 men. But only 32 women (32/40) and 40 men (40/60) took part in the training.

Once Desegregation has been selected, three options appear as follows:

The different options are explained below.

Calculations based on the numerator/denominator of a disaggregated indicator

There are 4 calculation methods.

Sum of all numerators / Sum of all denominators 

The proportional sum adds up the numerator and denominator of each disaggregated ratio.

In the previous example, where 32/40 women and 40/60 men took part in a training course, if we apply the sum, 72 people out of 100 took part.

Average of all numerators / Common denominator

This calculation method averages the % of the ratios without taking into account the proportions of each disaggregation.

In fact, this method calculates the average % of each ratio, where (80%+66.66%)/2 = 73.33%.

Sum of all numerators / Common denominator  

This method should be used when you are using a common denominator for different values.

In the previous example, where 32/40 women and 40/60 men took part in a training course, 72 people out of 100 took part. If 4 more women and 6 more men took part, the total added is 10 places out of the 100 available. Hence 10/100. Using this method, our total is 82/100, which leaves room for 18 more participants, no more

Sum of all numerators / Numerator weighted average denominator

This method calculates rates by dividing the count of observations (numerator value) in each disaggregation by a weighted average of denominators. It can be referred to as "Weighted Rate Calculation."

This method takes into account the relative scale or importance of different groups within the data, as represented by their denominators, to calculate a more accurate and representative rate for each category.

Key characteristics of this method are:

  1. Category-Specific Weighting: The method involves calculating a weighted average denominator for each category (like gender or age group), where the weights are typically the counts or proportions of observations within each category.
  2. Rate Calculation: The rate for each category is then determined by dividing the total count of observations in that category by its weighted average denominator.
  3. Adjustment for Varying Denominators: This approach is particularly useful when the denominator values vary across different categories or periods, as it adjusts for these variations to provide a more representative rate.

For an example of this calculation method click here.

Calculating cumulative values over time (dependant)

By default, a numerator/denominator indicator's relationship between progress and cumulative values are set to "independant". This means that the cumulative values between periods are not calculated by the system and are to be entered by the user.

If the relationship is defined as dependent, LogAlto will search for the common denominator and calculate the nominator value as follows:

Current numerator progress + Previous numerator cumulative value * Current denominator progress / Previous denominator cumulative value

For example, if the numerator for the first period is 2/10 (20%) and the numerator for the second period is 9/20 (45%), the cumulative value will be 13/20 (65%):


For a comparison between numerator/denominator indicators and percentage indicators click here.